Preschool Piano Prep

What do lessons look like?

These classes are for 3-4 year olds who learn through play. I have a wide variety of age appropriate games and activities. Their caregiver will need to stay and be engaged in the lesson, joining in the songs and activities and acting as a model for their child to follow. Lessons are held at my home studio in Northgate.

What will you learn?

Students will learn basic concepts involving rhythm and pitch, up/down, loud/soft, fast/slow, how to navigate a piano keyboard, fine motor coordination, counting and the first 7 letters of the alphabet. They will learn to recognise some musical symbols but will not be learning to read music. My goal here is to provide enriching musical experiences, so that children can learn if and when they are developmentally ready.


What will you need?

Nothing! There is no requirement to have a piano at home, as there is no expectation of practice. Sometimes I will give you an activity or game to play at home, but not one which involves a piano.

What do they cost?

Lessons are 30 minutes long, once a week, following the school calendar. A term of 10 lessons costs $300, plus a Materials Fee of $10 per term.

If two students come at once the lessons will be 40 minutes and a term of 10 lessons will cost $200 per student.